How to pick the right program for you!

Choosing to attend post-secondary education can be extremely stressful to say the least. Staying up late at night studying different colleges and the programs they offer; thinking constantly on which path you want to take and which career you wish to pursue; changing your mind over and over as you learn of something new, or discover your previous decision wasn’t the right one. All of this, muddled up with the day-to-day life of high-school or of the workforce can be frustrating, however, asking yourself these questions can help you immensely in making the right choice.

What kind of person are you?

Nothing defines us more than our personality and how we spend our time. Are you the kind of person who enjoys reading a book and would prefer to spend your time doing that? Do you have a burning passion to help people, whether it be through education, health, volunteering, or something else? Do you have an outgoing personality and love interacting with other people?

Being able to understand and recognize these parts of yourself can be very enlightening in regards to making the right program choice. Talking things out always help so, so talk with a close family member or friend and see what they think. How would they describe you, and what kind of career do they see you pursuing? List the pros and cons, things you want out of life and things you enjoy to help make the best decision for you. Knowing yourself can really help in knowing the right path.

What do you really want to do?

Philosopher Alan Watts once asked: “If money were no object, what would you do?” It may appear to be a simple question, but the weight it carries and the message it implies is a deep one. How many times have you been told to be a doctor because it pays well? Or go into law because the pay cheques are high? Where one may be seriously interested in this path, for some, it may be the opposite direction of where they want to go.

For those who are still trying to figure out what to do, asking yourself this question can prove to be very helpful. If there was one thing you wanted to do with your life, what would it be? People may say that school isn’t the right thing, and that college is stupid and unnecessary – why make a living when you can make a life, right? Well, let me tell you this – true happiness comes from making a living by living your life. And remember all six of the Northern Ontario colleges offer bridging programs to university. Meaning if you want to continue your eduction there are options for that too.

Preparing yourself for college can be difficult, but making the right choice can be even harder. However, if you can ask yourself these questions, it can make everything just a little easier.

If you don’t happen to know the right person to speak with and you can’t find the right answers, then contact Study North – they are just waiting to help you in any way they can. Understanding your personality and what you enjoy spending your time doing can also help you find out which career fits you best. Lastly, it all comes down to what you really want to do. If you can figure all of this out, you may find the answer right in front of your eyes – all you needed to do was look in the right place.

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